Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 The AAA methodology
1.2 SynDEx distributions
Chapter 2 Getting started
2.1 Application workspace
2.1.1 Launching SynDEx
2.1.2 SynDEx principal window
2.1.3 Load a SynDEx application
2.1.4 Algorithm and architecture windows
2.2 Modes
2.3 Adequation and code generation
2.4 Save, Close, Quit
Chapter 3 Libraries
3.1 To use libraries
3.2 To create a library
Chapter 4 Using the interface
4.1 Selection
4.2 Zoom
4.3 Contextual menus
Algorithm window
Architecture window
4.4 Contextual information
4.5 To find an object
Architecture window
Schedule window
4.6 Refresh
Chapter 5 Algorithm
AAA methodology
Atomic or hierarchical definitions
Algorithm window
5.1 To create an algorithm definition
5.1.1 To create a definition
Types of definitions
New definition
Definition with parameters
5.1.2 Definition mode and main mode
Definition mode
Main mode
5.1.3 To create a port in a definition
Direction of ports
New port
Ports order
Input/output ports
5.1.4 To create a reference in a definition
New reference
Reference with parameters
5.1.5 To create a dependence in a definition
5.1.6 To create a superblock
5.1.7 To create an abstract reference
5.2 To condition an algorithm definition
New condition
CondI and CondO vertices
Delete a condition
5.3 To repeat an algorithm definition
5.3.1 Diffuse, Fork, and Join
Multiplication of a vector by a scalar
Repetition factor
Diffuse the scalar
Fork the vector
Join the internal results
Explode and Implode vertices
5.3.2 Iterate
Multiplication of two vectors
5.4 To modify an algorithm definition or a reference
5.4.1 Modify a definition
5.4.2 Modify a reference
5.5 To delete an algorithm definition
5.6 To associate code with an algorithm definition
5.6.1 The code editor window
5.6.2 The code editor macro language
Names translation macros
Quoting macros
5.6.3 The code editor shortcuts
5.7 To build multi-periodic applications
Multiple or equal periods
Hierarchical references
Edit the period of an operation
Chapter 6 Architecture
6.1 Operator
6.1.1 To create an operator definition
6.1.2 To modify an operator definition
Code generation phases
6.1.3 To delete an operator definition
6.2 Communication medium
6.2.1 To create a medium definition
6.2.2 To modify a medium definition
6.2.3 To delete a medium definition
6.3 Architecture
6.3.1 To create an architecture definition
New operator reference
New medium reference
New connection
Operator and medium reference deletion
6.3.2 To set the main architecture
Set the main operator
Set the main architecture
Edit the main architecture
6.3.3 To modify an architecture definition
6.3.4 To delete an architecture definition
Chapter 7 Characteristics
7.1 Execution durations
7.1.1 Operation durations
7.1.2 Operator durations
7.2 Communication durations
7.3 Libraries
Chapter 8 Constraints
8.1 To create an operation group
8.2 To attach references to operation groups
8.3 To constraint operation groups on operators
8.4 To delete an operation group
Chapter 9 Adequation
9.1 Main algorithm and main architecture
9.2 Characterization
9.3 To launch the adequation
9.4 Multi-periodic applications
9.5 Flattening
Abstract references
9.6 Schedule
9.6.1 To display the schedule
9.6.2 The schedule window
Start and end dates
Schedule position
Other options
Chapter 10 Code generation
10.1 To generate the code
10.2 To view generated files
10.3 Overview
10.4 To compile an executive
10.5 To load the compiled executive
10.6 To automate the compilation/load process
Chapter 11 SynDEx downloader specification
11.1 Context
11.2 Boot and download process
11.3 Common download format
11.4 Downloader macros
Chapter 12 Links