To create a new application you may want to use pre-defined algorithm or
architecture definitions contained in libraries. These definitions
are called global definitions (vs. local definitions
from the current application).
From the File menu of the principal window, choose the
Specify Library Directories option. Then left click on the
Add button of the dialog window and select the target
directory. For example, specify the SynDEx libs directory
and the
examples/basic_with_library/basicLibraries directory.
To include a library in an application
in order to make references to the objects it contains,
from the File menu of the principal window,
choose the Included Libraries option.
Then check the target library.
Uncheck an already included library to un-include it,
provided there are no references in your application
on definitions from this library.
To create a library of algorithm or architecture definitions, you must create a .sdx file containing the definitions you need. Libraries may be located in the libs directory, at the root of your installation directory. Or you will have to specify their location to the SynDEx application (cf. section 3.1).