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1  Introduction

1.1  Context

The software in complex applications found in domains such as automobile, aeronautics, telecommunications, etc, is growing rapidly. On the one hand it increasingly replaces mechanical and analog devices which cost a lot and are too sensitive to failures, and on the other hand it offers to the end-users new functionalities which may easily evolve. These applications share the following main features:

Taking all these features into account is a great challenge, that only a formal (based on mathematics) methodology may properly achieve. Indeed, typical methods based on the one hand on specification graphical languages such as SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique), and on the other hand on C programming and RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) for the implementation, are not efficient enough to cope with the complexity of the target applications, mainly because there is a gap between the specification step and the implementation step. However, this does not mean that the application should not be carried out with respect to the constraints, but that the developement cycle will have a too long duration, essentially due to the real-time tests which must cover as many cases as possible.

Therefore, we propose a two steps approach without any gap reducing significantly the development cycle time:

In this paper we will focus only on the second step by presenting a summary of several research works carried out last past years on this subject. Concerning the first step, we rely on the well known denotational semantics of synchronous languages [1] such as Esterel, Lustre, Signal or Statecharts. They all offer a formal framework where it is possible to demonstrate useful properties when specifying applications with critical real-time constraints. Nowadays, commercial tools providing modern GUI (Graphical User Interface), based on this semantics, are available on the market. More and more industries in the fields we are interested in, use this approach in order to specify complex applications. For example, it is well known that several car manufacturers use Statemate (the tool based on Statecharts) in order to specify their embedded systems, for sequencing control laws involved for controlling the engine or the brakes, as well as for managing the events triggered by the user when executing common tasks such as opening or closing a door, turning the ignition key, signaling direction modifications, etc …Similarly, Scade (the tool based on Lustre) is used to specify avionics applications. The crucial issue in both cases is actually a matter of ordering the different operations necessary to perform each specified functionality. The next step consists in implementing these operations through software and hardware. At this high level of specification, thus very early in the development cycle, it is possible to verify logical properties such that an event will never occur, or will occur only if another event occurred a specified number of times. In this paper the term event is used in a broad sense, no assumption is made whether it refers to a periodic or to an aperiodic signal, both types of signal are considered as a set of events. These formal verifications are based on “model-checking” techniques [2] using BDD (Binary Decision Diagram) [3] for solving these combinatorial problems. It is important to understand that only properties in terms of event ordering are demonstrated in this framework, and therefore it is not possible to say that the real-time constraints were satisfied. However, they prevent from a large amount of errors found in real-time applications. At this specification level, we may carry out a functional simulation where the hardware is not actually considered. It is worth noting that in the typical methods mentioned before, these logical errors are usually discovered during real-time tests, consequently it is very difficult to find their causes at the application specification level, mainly because of the gap between the specification and the real-time implementation. This has an heavy price that the manufacturers are tired to pay, it is the reason why they are ready to invest in new methods and their associated tools.

1.2  Goals

Assuming that an application specification has been performed with a language verifying the aforementioned semantics, and that some logical properties have been demonstrated, the goal of the AAA methodology is to optimize the implementation of this specification. That is to say, that the implementation will satisfy the specification in terms of functionalities, and will satisfy the real-time and embedding constraints, while the logical properties shown previously are maintained. This approach increases the dependability of the application, especially if fault tolerance is specified at the level of the application.

AAA stands for Algorithm Architecture Adequation, adequation meaning an efficient mapping of the algorithm onto the architecture.

In order to achieve our goals, we chose very soon in our research works the “off-line” approach for optimizing implementations. Indeed, the implementation of an application specification onto an hardware architecture corresponds to a resource allocation problem. There are two possible resource allocation policies : “on-line” or “off-line”. It is now generally admitted that “off-line” policies are better suited for critical real-time, that is to say, when it is mandatory that real-time constraints are met, because otherwise dramatic consequences may occur. These policies have two main advantages: first they are deterministic and second they induce very low executive overhead. Thus, even if these approaches are more difficult to implement and may be costly in resources, they must be applied in order to avoid these consequences which may have an higher price. For the rest of this paper we will assume to be in this case. Of course, when real-time constraints are not critical more simple policies are used.

1.3  Definitions

In order to avoid ambiguities, it is necessary to be precise about definitions such as application, physical environment, reactive system, algorithm, architecture, implementation, and finally adequation which will be used afterwards.

In the AAA methodology, an application is a system composed of two sub-systems in interaction. The first one called physical analog environment, is controlled by the second one called the digital controller, because it is assumed to be based on computers. This latter is a reactive system [4] meaning that it must mandatorily react to the variations U(t) of the physical environment state (discrete input for the controller through the analog to digital converter (ADC) of a sensor, t is an integer) in order to produce a control Y(t) for the physical environment (discrete output of the controller provided to the physical environment through the digital to analog converter (DAC) of an actuator) and a new state for the controller X(t). X(t) and Y(t) define respectively input events and output events consumed and produced by the reactive system. Both X(t) and Y(t) are functions of the physical environment state and the previous state of the controller (U(t), X(t) and Y(t) may be vectors) given by the equation 1.

(Y(t),X(t)) = f(U(t),X(t−1))       (1)

Real-time systems are, first of all, reactive systems for which a maximum delay must be imposed between an input event arriving into the system and an output event produced by the system, in reaction to this input event. Usually, an output event is obtained from an input event processed by operations on which precedence constraints may be imposed.

There are two kinds of real-time constraints: the latency corresponds to the duration of a reaction between an input event and the output event the input triggered, the cadence corresponds to the periodicity of an input (i.e. the duration between two consecutive reactions). The latency refers to the elapsed time between an input and the resulting output, whereas the cadence refers to the sampling rate of an input. In the general case more than one latency or/and cadence constraints are specified.

The reactive system is composed of two parts, the hardware called architecture and the software called algorithm. We use the term architecture because we are mainly interested in the structure of the hardware. More precisely, we consider multicomponent architecture because its structure, which provides physical parallelism, usually includes sensor and actuator, “programmable components” or processors: RISC (Reduced Instruction Set), CISC (Complex Instruction Set), DSP (Digital Signal Processor), microcontroller (incorporating ADC/DAC, real-time clock, etc…), and “non programmable components” (application specific integrated circuit ASIC possibly reconfigurable like FPGA), all interconnected through communication resources. A multicomponent is heterogeneous due to these two types of components, but also different types of processors and integrated circuits may be used as well as different types of communication resources.

An algorithm is the result of the transformation of an application specification, which may be more or less formalized, in a software specification adapted to its digital processing by a computer or a specific integrated circuit. More precisely, as defined by Turing [5] an algorithm is a finite sequence of operations (total order) that must be processed in a finite time and with a finite hardware support. We need here to extend this notion of algorithm in two directions. On the one hand we have to take into account the infinite repetition of reactive systems, and on the other hand we have to take into account parallelism, which is necessary for the distributed implementation of an algorithm. However, for each reaction, the number of necessary operations to produce the control for the physical environment must be finite because real-time constraints must be satisfied. Consequently, instead of a total order (sequence of operations) we prefer a partial order which describes a potential parallelism, often called “inherent parallelism”. It is different from the physical parallelism provided by the hardware. It is worth noting that when we speak of an algorithm, it possibly means that it is a set of algorithms, rather than a unique algorithm.

Embedding constraints correspond to the number of processors and communication resources, the amount of memories for a multicomponent, the number of combinatorial functions in an integrated circuit, its surface, or its power consumption, etc…

The implementation of a given algorithm onto a given multicomponent architecture consists in allocating the architecture resources to the operations defining the algorithm. Architecture resources are mainly the sequencer of a processor and of a communication resource if it has one (otherwise the processor sequencer is borrowed), and the memories (program and data). Then after compilating, resetting the different processors and loading the different programs, after resetting the specific integrated circuits (note that it is only necessary to allocate their memory because they are not programmable, i.e. they have been designed only to perform a specific operation), the application may be run. The implementation of a given algorithm onto a specific integrated circuit architecture which is to determine, also consists in allocating the architecture resources to the operations defining the algorithm. In this case architecture resources are combinatorial and sequential circuits created from the algorithm specification seeking for a compromise between the surface occupied by these circuits and the real-time constraints. The implementation of an algorithm on a multicomponent corresponds to an hardware/software codesign where the part of the algorithm distributed onto the processors and the part distributed onto the integrated circuits, corresponding to the partitioning, are decided a priori by the user.

Finally, an adequation consists in searching, among all the possible mappings of the algorithm onto the architecture, for the one which corresponds to an optimized implementation. We use this notion of optimized implementation although it is impossible to guarantee that an optimal solution has been found for this kind of problems (multicomponent or integrated circuit) which complexity is said NP-hard (i.e. non polynomial relatively to the number of algorithm operations and architecture resources). Hence, it is preferable to obtain rapidly an approximate solution than an optimal solution which may take too much time compared to the human life. The search for an optimized implementation is oriented by, on the one hand the real-time constraints (latency and cadence), and on the other hand the embedding constraints (hardware resources). If the real-time constraints are impossible to satisfy while the potential parallelism is completely exploited relatively to the physical parallelism, it is necessary to modify the algorithm itself in order to increase its potential parallelism. Note that the adequation is an iterative process where the architecture influences the algorithm and vice versa.

The document is organized as follows: we first present how to specify an application, that is, the functionalities it is supposed to perform, corresponding to our notion of algorithm, the hardware components that can be used, corresponding to our notion of architecture, and the real-time and embedding constraints. Then, we present the AAA methodology based on graphs models for the algorithm, the architecture, and on graph transformations for the possible implementations and the executable codes. We present the optimization techniques corresponding to the adequation. Finally, before concluding, we briefly present the system level CAD software SynDEx associated to the AAA methodology.

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