Call With
AX = 0401H
ES:(E)DI = selector:offset of 128-byte buffer
if function successful
Carry flag = clear (this function always succeeds in DPMI 1.0)
AX = capabilities flags
CX = reserved, must be 0
Bits Significance 0 0 = PAGED ACCESSED/DIRTY capability not supported 1 = PAGED ACCESSED/DIRTY capability supported 1 0 = EXCEPTIONS RESTARTABILITY capability not supported 1 = EXCEPTIONS RESTARTABILITY capability supported 2 0 = DEVICE MAPPING capability not supported 1 = DEVICE MAPPING capability supported 3 0 = CONVENTIONAL MEMORY MAPPING capability not supported 1 = CONVENTIONAL MEMORY MAPPING capability supported 4 0 = DEMAND ZERO-FILL capability not supported 1 = DEMAND ZERO-FILL capability supported 5 0 = WRITE-PROTECT CLIENT capability not supported 1 = WRITE-PROTECT CLIENT capability supported 6 0 = WRITE-PROTECT HOST capability not supported 1 = WRITE-PROTECT HOST capability supported 7-15 reserved
if function unsuccessful
Offset Length Contents 0 1 Host major version number as a decimal number 1 1 Host minor version number as a decimal number 2 1-126 ASCIIZ (null-terminated) string identifying the DPMI host vendor