Allocate Specific LDT Descriptor
Allocates a specific LDT descriptor.
Call With

AX = 000DH
BX = selector

if function successful
Carry flag = clear
and descriptor has been allocated
if function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AX = error code
8011H | descriptor unavailable (descriptor is in
use) |
8022H | invalid selector (references GDT or beyond the
LDT limit) |
- The first 10H (16) descriptors (selector values 04H-7CH)
are reserved for this function and must not be used by
the DPMI host.
- Under DPMI 0.9 hosts, if another application has already
been loaded, some of descriptors reserved for allocation
by this function may be already in use and unavailable.
Under DPMI 1.0 hosts, each client has its own LDT and
thus will have the full 16 descriptors available for use
with this function.
- Resident service providers (protected-mode TSRs) should
not use this function.
- Refer to the rules for descriptor usage in Appendix D.