Allocate LDT Descriptors
Allocates one or more descriptors in the task's Local
Descriptor Table (LDT). The descriptor(s) allocated must be
initialized by the application with other function calls.
Call With

AX = 0000H
CX = number of descriptors to allocate

if function successful
Carry flag = clear
AX = base selector
if function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set
AX = error code
8011H | descriptor unavailable |
- If more than one descriptor was requested, the function returns a
base selector referencing the first of a contiguous array of
descriptors. The selector values for subsequent descriptors in the
array can be calculated by adding the value returned by Int 31H Function 0003H.
- The allocated descriptor(s) will be set to "data" with the present
bit set and a base and limit of zero. The privilege level of the
descriptor(s) will match the application's code segment privilege
- Refer to the rules for descriptor usage in Appendix D.